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Current Bulletin

Bulletin 2-9-25

01-01-23 - “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us!”
01-08-23 - Epiphany Lesson in Mission Work
01-15-23 - Jesus Manifests Himself as the Long-Promised Messiah through His Word.
01-22-23 - Jesus Manifested as Our Sabbath
01-29-23 - The Centurion of Capernaum – A Striking Example of Faith
02-05-23 - How to Judge a Teacher of Religion
02-12-23 - The Glory of the Son of Man, Our Savior
02-19-23 - Pondering the Sacrifice of Lent
02-22-23 - Ash Wednesday
02-26-23 - Let Us Profit from Our Spiritual Privileges While We Can!
03-01-23 - “Today shalt thou be with Me in Paradise.”
03-05-23 - The Tragic Condition of Those Who Harden Themselves in Spiritual Blindness
03-08-23 - “Woman, behold thy son… behold thy mother.”
03-12-23 - What Characterizes the True Sheep of Jesus?
03-15-23 - “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”
03-19-23 - Christ’s Vicarious Death — “Expedient” for the People"
03-22-23 - The Seven Words of Jesus from His Cross This week: “I thirst!”
03-26-23 - The Glory of Christ Was Accomplished through His Death on the Cross
03-29-23 - The Seven Words of Jesus from His Cross - This week: “It Is Finished!”
04-02-23 - Mary of Bethany – A Model of Christian Giving
04-06-23 - From the Old Testament to the New, from the Picture to the TRUE
04-07-23 - “Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.”
04-09-23 - “Christ Is Arisen! Hallelujah!”
04-16-23 - “Lovest Thou Me?” The Risen Savior’s Challenge to Every Disciple
04-23-23 - The Risen Savior’s Abiding Blessings on Our Work *
04-30-23 - Distinguishing between Spiritual Shepherds
05-07-23 - The Total Dependency of Us Branches upon Christ,the Vine
05-14-23 - God’s Holy Spirit – The Gift that Keeps on Giving
05-28-23 - Jesus’ Promise of the Comforter to His Disciples and to Us
06-04-23 - The Doctrine of the Holy Trinity
06-11-23 - God’s Word — The Incorruptible Seed
06-18-23 - Jesus, the Savior of ALL Sinners
06-23-23 - Convention Friday - Christian Prayer Dispels Human Anxiety
06-25-23 - Convention Sunday - God’s Requirements for Proper Christian Praying
07-02-23 - “May God Bestow on Us His Grace!”
07-09-23 - What Sort of Foundation Do YOU Want
07-16-23 - Who CAN Be Saved??
07-23-23 - The Priceless Treasure of God’s Grace in Christ Jesus
07-30-23 - The Spiritual Economics of Discipleship
08-06-23 - Exercising True Wisdom in the Stewardship of God’s Gifts
08-13-23 - Jesus’ Lament over Jerusalem
08-20-23 - Just How Is a Poor Sinner Justified before God?
08-27-23 - The Growth and Stability of Christ’s Church
09-03-23 - Are You as a Christian Having an Effect on the World Around You?
09-10-23 - Theme — a Riddle: “What Is Thicker than Blood?”
09-17-23 - God Surely Answers His Children Who Persist in Confident Prayer
09-24-23 - Let Us Guard against Spiritual Inertia!
10-01-23 - Choosing “the One Thing Needful”
10-08-23 - What Does Saving Faith Accomplish?
10-15-23 - Love Is the Fulfilling of the Law
10-22-23 - Choosing “the One Thing Needful”
11-05-23 - What Should Bring Us Christians the Greatest Joy?
11-12-23 - Hymns & Liturgy for Sunday Christ—The Only Gate to Heaven
11-19-23 - Faith: The Means Whereby We Receive God’s Gracious Blessings
11-23-23 - How Shall We Render a Truly Godpleasing Thanksgiving?
11-26-23 - How Prepared Are YOU for the Savior’s Second Coming?
12-03-23 - We Should Eagerly Look Forward to Jesus’ Second Visible Advent
12-10-23 - The Good Fight of Faith Is the Struggle for Spiritual Survival
12-17-23 - According to What Standard Will Men Be Judged on the Last Day?
12-24-23 - Why the Advent of God’s Grace to Poor Sinners Is Not of Comfort to ALL
12-24-23 b - Christmas Eve - Evening Service
12-25-23 - “…the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ”
12-31-23 - The Father’s Christmas Gift of His Dear Son Confirms Our Spiritual Adoption to be His Children
12-31-23 NYE - Our Security, both Now and in the Future, Rests on Our Never-Changing Lord and Savior
01-26-25 - Hymns & Liturgy for Sunday 1-26-25
02-02-25 - Hymns & Liturgy for Sunday 2-2-25
02-09-25 - Hymns & Liturgy for Sunday 2-9-25
02-16-25 - Hymns & Liturgy for Sunday 02-16-25

Links marked with an * include the full Service.

17151 South Central Avenue
Oak Forest, IL 60452-4913